mercoledì 21 giugno 2017

Here's an idea that could make you a small fortune...

Hi napolivideo.invio,

I'm not one to just go around and tell my friends random things� If you know me, then you know that I always like to make sure that I know what I'm talking about first.

This is why I waited so long before telling you what is in this email.

One of my closest friends works at a high tech medical firm. They discovered a very successful cure for a certain type of tumor.

For some odd reasons though, their share price crashed through the floor. It went from 2 bucks to like 10 cents over the last few weeks.

My buddy believes that this is due to people being misinformed regarding a new trump policy.

The reality is, the company I'm telling you about right now is about to get f d a approval in the next few weeks and their price is guaranteed to go up more than 15 times its current price.

This is why I think you should take a very close look at q's'm'g (without the apostrophes of course). This is the ticker of the company in question.

If you want something that's practically a sure bet, I recommend you get in this stock today. Even if it's for a modest amount.

You'll be in for a good ride.

Best Regards,
Evangeline Bruce

lunedì 19 giugno 2017

Can you really make ten fold on your principal in just a few days?

With today's political climate, it is becoming increasing difficult to find winning stocks.

It's even more difficult to find that once in a blue moon company that you can get in and get a big hit with real quick.

Trump's policies are changing every day and there's no way to know what tomorrow brings to the markets.

That's why I am very fortunate to have stumbled upon a sure bet...

There's a small company that has just discovered a ground breaking medicine for tumors.

Without boring you with details, it's essentially the most effective treatment for cancer right now.

That caught the attention of the big boys and they're buying out this small company for about ten times its current market price.

This is set to occur by Friday. When the news is made public, the price will jump overnight. It's now at just around 0.20.

You do the math. Your upside is big.

The symbol is q.s.m.g

This is what you need to use in order to get shares. Move quick before others find out.

In less than 5 days this company could yield you a ten bagger

Good morning!

I've been involved in the markets for a few decades now and I'll be the first to tell you that things have never been as uncertain as they are today.

With a new administration heading our country, it's becoming increasingly difficult to get the edge in the markets.

At least, we can always count on lady luck to come in handy when we need her.

A friend of mine founded a small medical company a few years ago and he has been researching a novel way of using the immune system to kill tumors.

After extensive tests and lengthy approval processes, he finally got the green light on this life changing new therapy.

Because of that, a big pharma has put in an offer to buy out the entire company. At essentially 10 times the current trading value.

This guarantees that if you get shares today at under 20 cents each, you will cash out ten times that amount by Friday.

The ticker which you need to use to buy is the first letter of each of these words:

Quest, Start, Mega, Great

Together they make up the 4 letter symbol which you need. Get in as fast as you can before the price jumps.

venerdì 16 giugno 2017

You can make more than ten times your principle with just this 1 stock

It's been at least a few months since the last time I had the chance to share something amazing with you but if you recall you really made a mint on that last company.

Earlier today I got lucky because as I was having a bite with one of my good friends who works at a top banking firm, he let me in on a little "secret".

Basically they're working on closing a deal for a forbes 100 pharmaceutical company to purchase the entirety of a small drug maker that's just completed a cure for prostate tumors.

The company that's being acquired is trading at just a few pennies right now but the big pharma is paying around a buck a share for it.

This means if you grab shares today you'll be able to make at least ten times what you put in.

The symbol which you need to give your broker or put into your brokerage is the first letter of each of these words:


Together they make up the 4 letter symbol which you need. Act quickly before other people get wind of this.